Brave Hearts!

Let’s get in touch with your soul.

In a dream, I was shown that currently 1/10 of women in the world are awakened, and these women are only using 1/10 of their strength.

I realize that true power comes in recognizing what our unique gifts are and how we can carry out our Soul’s purpose here on Earth.

True love comes in accepting and appreciating every bits and pieces of ourselves, the good, bad and ugly, no matter what.
True wisdom comes in opening up all our senses and awareness, and to experience and co-create with Spirit in our daily lives.
This is where I am called to show up.

My mission is to support you into being your true Divine Self.

My role as an intuitive soul guide is to point you the way to connect with your heart, soul and Spirit.

Through learning how our intuition speaks to us, and building our own personalized spiritual practice to anchor us, we can live a meaningful and purpose-driven life, filled with bliss, gratitude and inspiration.

And I’m here to help.

I invite you to explore my approach through my blogs, services, retreats and courses.

Let’s Explore my blog
In my blogs, I explore how we can live consciously and mindfully in every day moments through my own experiences as a mom, a daughter, a boss, a wife, a sister, a friend, a teacher, a student and as just plain old me, with a bit of humor of course.

Living a Spirit-centered life has given me more joy, courage, support and freedom to be my true authentic self. Though the time devoted to our spiritual practice is important, the time outside of our practice is also key to integrating spirituality into our daily lives.

In my blog, I want to show you that It is possible to co-create and live with Spirit (aka Universe / Divine) in our daily lives. Through parenthood. Through travel. Through work. Through self-care. Through day-to-day simple moments in life.

Be Your True Self and No One Else

Explore My Offerings 

Spreading the Light is one of my Soul’s purposes. Through how my life experiences have shaped me and in recognizing my own gifts and talents, I find that I can best support others through modalities of emotional and energy healing.

The way we begin is to understand how your Soul speaks to you through your intuition and sensitivities. Then we can uncover what unique gifts and superpowers you hold to help you carry out your Soul purpose here on Earth.

If you feel
resonated with what I share,
I invite you to check out my offerings below.
My Retreats 
My online
Free Mantra
Meditation Workshop