I believe

that we are eternal students on this planet Earth, and one of our soul purposes here is to grow and evolve. It is important to keep on learning, reflecting and working on ourselves to allow our true light to shine through.

Know that you are not never alone on your journey. As you ask the Universe for help, help is always given. All we need to do is just to pay attention and receive.

I hope the information shared below can help you somehow on your spiritual journey.

Free Guided Meditations + Intuition Classes Videos + More
Feel free to check out my free guided meditations, intuition classes videos and more that I share in my other Youtube channels.
Museflower Retreat & Spa Youtube Channel
an online inner wellness project to help you connect with your inner light
Free guided meditations, card readings, conscious living tips, mindful movement videos hosted by Museflower Retreat & Spa
Free Mantra Meditation Workshop
how to use mantra to support you through meditation
Watch this 45-minute workshop recording to learn how to meditate with a mantra for transition (in 6 bite-sized videos)
We are so
with many unique wellness tools and spiritual practices in our current world that can help guide us back to our center, heal our traumas and wounds, and reconnect with our soul and the Divine love of the Universe.

In this Resources page, I would like to share the information of the people, friends, mentors and teachers who have guided me on my spiritual and healing journey, Without their support and wisdom, I wouldn’t be able to come to where I am now today.

People Who Inspire Me
The Resources page is categorized by the prominent tool or offering that the practitioner or teacher practices and is listed in alphabetical order.
As always, feel free to contact me for any questions and if you need any guidance or referrals.
Jim Kwik
Breathwork / Reiki / Coaching
Susanna Eduini
Card Reading / Spiritual Healing 
Mabel Ng
Leslie Nipps
Forest Bathing & Yoga Nidra 
Youmin Yap
Homeopathy / Flower Essence (Chinese)
Arden Wong
Homeopathy / Soul Coach / Energetic Healing
Kerry Evans-Alder
Intuitive Astrology & Cosmic Energies Forecast 
Forever Conscious
Intuitive Astrology Reading / Energy Healing / Coaching
Dorinda Berry
Kirtan / Yoga
Heidi Trigar
Labyrinth Meditation
Official Website
Magnified Healing & Spiritual Teacher
Margie Ko in Kyoto
Margie in Hong Kong
Shamanic Healing / Reiki / Coaching
Michele Cempaka
Shamanism Teacher
Sandra Ingerman
Soul Journeys / Work Your Light as a Lightworker
Rebecca Campbell
Soul Space Consultant
Denise Langan
Website Design
Eos Koch
Soul Writing / Soul Doctor
Sarah Walton
Spirit Junkie
Gabby Bernstein
Tea Ceremony
Global Tea Hut
Tension/Trauma Releasing Exercise & Yoga
Tammy Hayano
Therapeutic Bodywork / Deep Tissue Massage Training
Stephen Kirwin
Emily Campbell