“To bloom is to embrace the beauty of growth and transformation, and to trust in the natural process of becoming.”
― Anonymous

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36. Wisdom Keeper – Mastery
Supporting cards:
49. Spend time with friends
This lunar cycle reminds us that in order to bloom, we must allow themselves to be “teachable” and open to Spirit’s guidance to help us deepen, advance and refine our gifts.
When we remember ourselves to be students of life, we are open to teachers coming in various forms. Teachers may come as a person like a mentor, but it may also come as a child, a friend, a family member, a neighbor, or even someone we dislike. Teachings may come through animals and insects, the land, our spirit guides and our dreams. It may come through in the most unexpected way, so it’s important to let go of how the learning “should” look like.
We are all born with unique gifts, talents and sensitivities that help us carry our soul purpose here. Sometimes we may not realize we have a gift until we explore something that piques our interest. Sometimes it just takes some courage and confidence to own up our gifts.
Take time this lunar cycle to delve deep into learning and practicing what interests you. Sometimes we may learn something as a hobby or through an online course, and then we forget all about it until we have more time. Unless we create time in our own schedule and prioritize our practice, there will always be something that can hijack our time and take away our attention.
Besides creating time for learning and practicing, an important self-care ritual to focus on this lunar cycle is to spend time with your friends. If a friend comes to your mind, reach out and connect. There is much wisdom that can be shared with our friends.
It’s also very nourishing for the soul to connect with our friends who love us for who we truly are and hold space for ourselves. If what you’re learning requires practicing on someone else, get your friends involved! Practice on a willing friend and get honest feedback that can help you improve. It’s a great way to connect with your friends.
With mercury retrograde taking place during this lunar cycle too, everything may feel like it’s slowing down as this is time to turn our attention inward and to practice patience with ourselves and others. When it seems more quiet on the outside, it gives us a great opportunity to listen to our inner guidance.
We are all meant to thrive and bloom. Trust that you have the gifts to do so and this lunar cycle is a reminder of the wisdom, strength, and resilience that you possess on the path to mastery.
Daily Reflection: Today, I deepen my gift by ______
Repeat this affirmation as often as you need during this lunar cycle. A great tip is to write your affirmation on a piece of paper and place it somewhere you can see every day as a reminder.
You can refer to my blog here at Museflower’s webpage on a simple guideline on how to write your own affirmation.
Feel free to change the words to make it 100% aligned to you.
For example,
I am blooming with my gifts.
My gifts help me bloom.
I trust my process of blooming.
I am a wisdom keeper.
I prioritize my learning.
I recognize that my interpretation of the cards is largely based on reflections of my personal life experience and you may or may not resonate with what I share. I find that sometimes by sharing what’s going on in my life, others may find that they are going through something similar in their lives. It’s important to know that you are not going through this journey of life alone.
I highly encourage you to look at the cards as well and feel into the messages and energies of the cards yourself.
Read the messages and notice what sensations come up. Do you feel light or tense? Look at the images of the cards, and notice what draws your gaze. What thoughts and feelings arise? Do you like or dislike the card, or certain elements in the image of the card? Why is that and what does it remind you of?
Your intuition is your inner compass. My intuitive soul card reading only serves as a reference point, an invitation for you to reflect and ponder and to work your magic. I don’t claim to predict the future, nor can I do that. Take what you resonate and leave what you don’t.
Card reading is a great intuitive tool for us to find some clarity and guidance in our own life, but remember ultimately you are the one who get to decide and live the life you want.
Enjoy reading and feel free to let me know your thoughts, questions and sharing by email.