Monthly Intuitive Card Reading: December 31, 2024 to January 28, 2025



“Your senses are your connection to all that is, they are the holy scriptures through which you directly experience the revelation of Holiness in the world you can touch, taste, hear, and see ”

– Josephine Robertson, spiritual companion, and priest

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Card Deck: Soulful Woman Guidance Cards by Shushann Movsessian & Gemma Summers and

Main Card: 28. Power of my Voice – I speak my truth and express my feelings to others with care and compassion.

Supporting cards:

13. Connect with the Earth


In the last lunar cycle before the new lunar new year and one that crosses over years 2024 to 2025, we are invited to explore our own sensuality.

What is sensuality? It is defined as “enjoyment, expression or pursuit of physical, especially sexual, pleasure” by

Though we tend to associate sensuality with sex, it’s not limited to only sex. Sensuality is about exploring and tending to all our senses that can bring us pleasure. For this lunar cycle card message, it reminds us that it is time to give a voice back to our sensual self.

One thing that I love about Bhakti yoga practice (yoga of devotion) is that the belief of bliss, pleasure and joy are also a gateway to connect with the Divine. In some traditional religions, one must completely renounce worldly desires and to empty oneself to be enlightened. That is one path, I believe, but not the only path.

Spirituality is not something we do for an hour a day, but rather it is a way of life. How can we experience the Divine in our daily life? It is through our senses. When we look at how the leaves of a tree dance with the wind. When we hear the purring sound of a cat. When we see a butterfly or a dragonfly or a bird flying across our vision. When we feel the heartbeat of our loved one through our hands.

As a society, we’re so used to living in our head and with our thoughts that we are cut off from feeling our senses. In this lunar cycle, we are urged to give voice back to our sensuality, that part of us that yearns to experience the fullness and the vibrancy of life.

How to do so? First, let’s examine your own beliefs around sensuality, pleasure and sexuality through journaling. Write down any fears, blocks, traumas, and limiting beliefs. Then rewriting each of your limiting belief into three new beliefs, starting with “I choose to believe…” and/or “I love…”.

Read out your new beliefs out loud, and choose one that feels 100% aligned with you as your intention for this lunar cycle.

You can also perform a simple fire release ceremony to release your limiting beliefs and fears around the topic of sensuality.

The self-care card for this lunar cycle asks us to connect with the earth, and there is no better place to start than nature. Breathe in some fresh air and literally smell the flowers. Feel the contact of your feet walking on the ground. Look at the stars and the moon at night before you sleep instead of a screen.

What are some simple pleasures in your life? Is it the smell of your coffee or tea in the morning? Is it a bite of a buttery chocolate cake or cookie? Is it moving your body and dancing with your eyes closed? Can you touch and caress your body without any judgment?

Pleasure doesn’t have to bring “damage” to our body and mind. The key is balance, and to think of pleasure as a win-win situation. A win for your senses and a win for your body too. Something that brings pleasure now but damages your health in the long run is not true sensuality. True sensuality is about being responsible to your health and treating your body as a sacred temple.

Sensuality can be sacred and incredibly nourishing for our body, heart and soul. Give voice to your sensuality today and ask what he/she needs. What simple pleasure can you feed yourself today that is both a win for your mind and body?

PS: I’m by no means an expert in sensuality and this is a topic that I am learning and discovering more too. I’ve came across these two great blogs as I’m exploring the spirituality meaning of sensuality and would love to share their wisdom with you:

Daily Reflection: Today, my sacred sensual self asks me to____[insert]____.

Try This Affirmation

I am a sensual and sexual being.


Repeat this affirmation as often as you need during this lunar cycle. A great tip is to write your affirmation on a piece of paper and place it somewhere you can see every day as a reminder.

You can refer to my blog here at Museflower’s webpage on a simple guideline on how to write your own affirmation.

Feel free to change the words to make it 100% aligned to you.

For example,

My sensuality nourishes me and brings me joy.

I am safe to be sensual.

I love my sensual self.

My sensuality and sexuality energize and uplift me.

I can be a responsible wild sensual woman.



I recognize that my interpretation of the cards is largely based on reflections of my personal life experience and you may or may not resonate with what I share. I find that sometimes by sharing what’s going on in my life, others may find that they are going through something similar in their lives. It’s important to know that you are not going through this journey of life alone.

I highly encourage you to look at the cards as well and feel into the messages and energies of the cards yourself.

Read the messages and notice what sensations come up. Do you feel light or tense? Look at the images of the cards, and notice what draws your gaze. What thoughts and feelings arise? Do you like or dislike the card, or certain elements in the image of the card? Why is that and what does it remind you of?

Your intuition is your inner compass. My intuitive soul card reading only serves as a reference point, an invitation for you to reflect and ponder and to work your magic. I don’t claim to predict the future, nor can I do that. Take what you resonate and leave what you don’t.

Card reading is a great intuitive tool for us to find some clarity and guidance in our own life, but remember ultimately you are the one who get to decide and live the life you want.

Enjoy reading and feel free to let me know your thoughts, questions and sharing by email.