Monthly Intuitive Card Reading: October 3 to 31, 2024



“When you contact the Higher Self, the source of power within, you tap into a reservoir of infinite power.”― Deepak Chopra

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Card Deck: Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell

Main Card: Priestess – How are you being called to step up and lead?

Supporting cards:

32. Make a meal


This lunar cycle we are being reminded that we all have a higher self, and it is time to live in union with our higher selves.

Our higher self is when our soul is expressing its fullest potential. In other words, our higher self is the best version that we can be. It is the version of ourselves that we want to be.

Our higher self is also the part within that is connected to the Divine and the infinite wisdom of the Universe. Our higher self is our wise inner teacher.

So how can we live in union with our higher selves?

First by recognizing that there are many parts of ourselves within us. A lot of these parts are identified with the roles we play. The mother role. The daughter role. The boss role. The wife role. The friend role. And there are our emotions. Our inner child. Our inner critic.

If we can see all these various parts of ourselves as children within us, then the higher self is like the resourceful parent who knows how to hold space without judgment, listen and acknowledge the feelings of all these parts, and who knows exactly what to do and how to move forward.

Once we are aware of these different parts within us, now it is important to recognize which part of ourselves we are expressing when we are faced with different situations in life, especially the situations that frustrate us or trigger us in some way.

Perhaps it’s a fight with a spouse. Perhaps it’s a communication issue with a colleague. Perhaps it’s an illness that is draining our energy.

In midst of stressful situations, it is very easy for us to go into automatic responses. We learn these responses from our parents, family, school and society when we were young. For example, have you ever reacted to a situation and then afterwards you thought, that was exactly how your mom or dad did and you absolutely hated it when you were a child? And here you are today, as an adult, repeating the same pattern?

If we can catch a pause before we jump into our reaction, we can give ourselves a choice – which version of myself do I want to express now? What would the best version of myself (aka my higher self) do or say or act in this moment to respond?

Of course, not every time we may be able to catch the pause and that is okay. We are all human, not saints.

But this lunar cycle our human selves are asked to step up our game. Perhaps we already know many tools and we have a lot of knowledge about spirituality, health and wellness, and now it is the time to walk the talk. We can practice a lot of yoga, meditation, or many other spiritual practices, but what matters is how we can apply these practices in our daily life.

To be in union, it is to live consciously and mindfully. To live as our human self and also as our higher self. For most people, we spend more time as our human self than our higher self. Now it is time to make more conscious choices as our higher self.

Apply the same awareness you feel during meditation in your daily life. Practice observing your thoughts when you are feeling angry, frustrated or overwhelmed. Catch the pause before you react and ask yourself what your higher self will do.

And if you act as your usual human self, that is okay too. Reflect afterwards with journaling. Why were you triggered? What could you learn from this situation? And start from there.

The self-care card for this lunar cycle is to make a meal for yourself. You may have tasted food that was prepared from a loved one, and the taste and flavor of that food is something that cannot be replicated. It is because that cooking is infused with love.

We talk about living consciously and in union as your higher self. Well how can we act as our higher self as when we are cooking a meal? Even if you don’t cook, it can be as simple as making tea or coffee for yourself, or even pouring a glass of water. Can you infuse these simple actions with love for yourself? Can you stay mindful and engage all your senses in the process of cooking? Can you be more aware of how you are feeding yourself? Not just through food, but through your words, thoughts and actions too?

Let your human self step up this lunar cycle and allow your higher self to guide and lead you.

Daily Reflection: Today, I I live as my higher self when I _[insert action / thought]___

Try This Affirmation

I live in union with my higher self.


Repeat this affirmation as often as you need during this lunar cycle. A great tip is to write your affirmation on a piece of paper and place it somewhere you can see every day as a reminder.

You can refer to my blog here at Museflower’s webpage on a simple guideline on how to write your own affirmation.

Feel free to change the words to make it 100% aligned to you.

For example,

I trust that my higher self is guiding me.

I am safe to be my higher self.

I am safe to express who I truly am.

I choose to live consciously.


I recognize that my interpretation of the cards is largely based on reflections of my personal life experience and you may or may not resonate with what I share. I find that sometimes by sharing what’s going on in my life, others may find that they are going through something similar in their lives. It’s important to know that you are not going through this journey of life alone.

I highly encourage you to look at the cards as well and feel into the messages and energies of the cards yourself.

Read the messages and notice what sensations come up. Do you feel light or tense? Look at the images of the cards, and notice what draws your gaze. What thoughts and feelings arise? Do you like or dislike the card, or certain elements in the image of the card? Why is that and what does it remind you of?

Your intuition is your inner compass. My intuitive soul card reading only serves as a reference point, an invitation for you to reflect and ponder and to work your magic. I don’t claim to predict the future, nor can I do that. Take what you resonate and leave what you don’t.

Card reading is a great intuitive tool for us to find some clarity and guidance in our own life, but remember ultimately you are the one who get to decide and live the life you want.

Enjoy reading and feel free to let me know your thoughts, questions and sharing by email.