Monthly Intuitive Card Reading: September 3 to October 2, 2024



“Inhale the future, exhale the past.”― Anonymous

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Card Deck: The Dream Weaver’s Oracle Card Deck by Colette Baron-Reid

42. When You’re Neither Here nor There

Supporting cards:

50. Sweet Treat


This lunar cycle’s card message shows us where we are at the moment – we are now in a period of transition. We’re moving past from the old stage of life but we haven’t completely arrived at the new yet.

We’re in this liminal space, where we know that we cannot live as our old selves anymore. And that’s why the theme of this lunar cycle is “to breathe”. What we can do when we are in transition is to take a deep breath and bring our awareness back to the present moment.

We may be feeling lost on the new direction of life. We know what we don’t want, but we are not clear yet on what we want exactly. If you feel this way, I’d recommend trying some breathing exercises. Breathing exercises can help us reset and regulate our nervous system, bringing us from flight-fight-freeze mode (sympathetic nervous system) back to rest-and-digest mode (parasympathetic nervous system).

There are so many free guided breathing exercises that one can find online. One breathing exercise that I learned recently from my online Shamanic healing course by Alberto Villoldo is similar to the box breath of 4-4-4-4 as below:

Inhale by 4 counts.

Hold by 4 counts.

Exhale by 4 counts.

Clear out all the breath & hold by 4 counts.

Repeat the above for a few minutes and return to your natural breathing rhythm. Notice how you feel compared to when you first begin the exercise.

Breathing exercises can help us slow down our heart rate and induce a calmer mind. When we feel calmer, we can gain clarity on what it is that we want to feel and we can set intention with our feelings, such as “I feel supported. I feel strong. I feel confident.”

Intention works similar as affirmations (positive statements). As we set our intention, it’s an open call to the Universe and all our spiritual support team to help us align with it. Our intention also serves as an anchor for us. It can remind us what is important, and as we make decisions, we can ask ourselves if this decision is aligned with our intention or not.

It’s important to remember that when we set intention, we let go of attachments of the outcome and also the “how” to get there.

For example, my intention may be “I feel supported”. Instead of listing out all the ways on how support “should” come, we trust that the Universe will provide. There are multiple ways that the support can be manifested, and most of the time the Universe provides beyond what our minds can fathom. So let’s take a deep breath, and leave it up to the Universe to take care of us.

Setting intention can help us pave the way to the new chapter of our life. How about letting go of the old? A great journaling prompt that has helped me is “I accept…”. Radical acceptance brings us back to the now. There’s nothing to change, to fix, to judge or to criticize. All we need to do now is to accept.

We may be feeling excited for the new prospects, and we can still feel sad about the regrets from the past. Instead of keep on thinking about the past like “oh how I wish I did this”, or getting hung up on the unknown of the future, like “I don’t know how I can get there”, when we accept where we are now with all the mixed feelings, we acknowledge all these different parts that are within us. We feel heard and seen, by ourselves.

When we accept and acknowledge what we are feeling right now (and take a deep breathe at the same time), we can start to truly appreciate life from our bottom of our heart. We accept the past and we accept that now we are in a period of transition. Time may feel like it’s going slowly and we may not feel like we are accomplishing much on the outside. However, this is an important inner journey that can serve as a strong foundation in the future.

As for our self-care card, the “sweet treat” card reminds us to focus on the sweetness of life. It’s easy for our minds to focus on the negative. How about shifting our focus to something sweet? It may be a sweet treat, but it can also be sweet moments with your loved ones, animals or even yourself.

Transitions don’t have to be all bitter. It can also be bittersweet. And remember in the word “bittersweet”, sweet comes after bitterness. So trust that sweetness is coming your way.

Daily Reflection: Today, I accept  ______

Try This Affirmation
I accept where I am now.

Repeat this affirmation as often as you need during this lunar cycle. A great tip is to write your affirmation on a piece of paper and place it somewhere you can see every day as a reminder.

You can refer to my blog here at Museflower’s webpage on a simple guideline on how to write your own affirmation.

Feel free to change the words to make it 100% aligned to you.

For example,

I trust that the Universe is taking care of me.

I accept all my feelings.

My life is full of sweetness.

I feel calm and rested.

I am confident about myself.

Want to Learn
How to Set Intention Through a Rested Place?
Join Youmin and Tania for a free 60-minute online workshop on Setting Intention Through Rest on Sep 21, 2024 (Sat) from 8.30 – 9.30am Thailand time.
In this free 60-minute workshop, Youmin will be guiding us through yoga nidra, a deep restorative rest practice in which the body sleeps with full awareness. Words, feelings, images, colors, may arise as we allow our thinking mind to slow down. Tania will then be showing you how to set your intention by crafting an affirmation, or a positive statement, as your daily reminder.

I recognize that my interpretation of the cards is largely based on reflections of my personal life experience and you may or may not resonate with what I share. I find that sometimes by sharing what’s going on in my life, others may find that they are going through something similar in their lives. It’s important to know that you are not going through this journey of life alone.

I highly encourage you to look at the cards as well and feel into the messages and energies of the cards yourself.

Read the messages and notice what sensations come up. Do you feel light or tense? Look at the images of the cards, and notice what draws your gaze. What thoughts and feelings arise? Do you like or dislike the card, or certain elements in the image of the card? Why is that and what does it remind you of?

Your intuition is your inner compass. My intuitive soul card reading only serves as a reference point, an invitation for you to reflect and ponder and to work your magic. I don’t claim to predict the future, nor can I do that. Take what you resonate and leave what you don’t.

Card reading is a great intuitive tool for us to find some clarity and guidance in our own life, but remember ultimately you are the one who get to decide and live the life you want.

Enjoy reading and feel free to let me know your thoughts, questions and sharing by email.